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Meet at WindEnergy Hamburg 2022


From 27 to 30 September 2022, WindEnergy Hamburg will finally take place as a face-to-face event again! Even though the last edition was digitally oriented due to the pandemic, it is all the more clear how valuable face-to-face exchange is - and that is exactly what we would like to invite you to at our exhibition stand no. 151 in hall B7, because: Many new developments that our digital platform has undergone and still has in store for the future hold a lot of advantages for you as a company active in the wind industry.

What topics will be on the agenda at our stand?

Among other things, there is's current transformation process from a pure wind energy marketplace to a digital ecosystem. Because as part of this transformation, we have already launched many new, exciting applications and digital tools in cooperation with technology partners, for example - from the visualised market master data register in Google Maps style to the area analysis tool for project developers. These can already take a lot of effort out of your day-to-day work and open up entirely new business opportunities on top of that. Together with the users of our platform, we would also like to accelerate the energy transition in this way and set essential processes for wind projects in motion more quickly. Let's talk about which potentials you can exploit for yourself!

Another topic we will be addressing this year is the dismantling and sale of wind turbines that are no longer eligible for EEG subsidies. Professional and efficient dismantling is always a challenge for operators that needs to be ideally timed and coordinated. Ideally, the decommissioned wind turbines can also be sold on the secondary market, which can cushion some of the costs of dismantling. This year, we are particularly pleased to be able to assist you with all questions relating to the dismantling and sale of old turbines together with our stand partner Hagedorn, a long-standing expert in this field!

We would like to give the energy transition a literal tailwind with the platform of the same name, which we are currently working on. Together with Prof. Dr. Carsten Hahn from the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe/SAP, as well as with Karl-J Wack, Managing Director of the Karlsruhe-based software company let's dev - both of whom will be represented at our stand - we are working on the hot topic of tokenisation of wind turbines. Tokenisation simplifies and accelerates the investment process in wind projects by mapping it digitally, transparently and securely. Are you planning a new wind project and can imagine considering the many advantages of this innovative form of financing? Then you are more than welcome to discuss the details and possibilities with us!

Visit us at stand no. 151 in hall B7!

Many exciting topics, many interesting contacts - this is what distinguishes a leading trade fair like WindEnergy Hamburg. The team of would also like to meet you in this expectation, and therefore we recommend at this point to make a personal appointment with us. We are expecting you at our stand no. 151 in hall B7 and are already looking forward to your visit and the conversation with you!