Determining the position of aircraft with centimetre precision is crucial for the efficiency of ...
Olaf Lies takes part in the opening of the wind trade fair. Lower Saxony is the official partner state of this year's HUSUM WIND and among the top 3 exhibiting federal states.
Olaf Lies, Minister for
Economy, transport, construction and digitization in Lower Saxony, has its
Participation in the opening ceremony of HUSUM WIND with Robert Habeck on
September 12, 2023 confirmed. Lower Saxony is the official partner state of the
this year's edition of the trade fair. "HUSUM WIND has been providing a
important contribution to the transformation of our energy system. Than
As an established meeting place for the wind energy industry, it brings national and
international players to bring together the latest developments in the industry
Introduce. We are therefore very pleased to be the official partner country of HUSUM in 2023.
WIND," says Lower Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs, Olaf Lies.
In the expansion of renewable energies, Lower Saxony
and the other northern German states are playing a pioneering role. One in five
kilowatt hour generated in Germany from renewable sources is 'Made in
Lower Saxony'. With a share of renewable energies in the
Lower Saxony also has gross electricity consumption of over 90 percent in 2022
a high regenerative potential for the production of green hydrogen.
Olaf Lies explains: "As early as 2019, we worked with the joint North German
Hydrogen strategy, goals and needs for action in this for the
Transformation of the economy is an important set of topics. Today
we benefit from this foresight: Northern Germany and the North Sea and Baltic Sea,
as the power plant for renewable energy, offer a huge potential that
we will use efficiently and quickly. This is because the rapid expansion of the on- and
Offshore wind energy and the development of a comprehensive hydrogen economy
are crucial prerequisites for achieving national climate targets.
achieve. Here, Lower Saxony will play a central role in the future of the
German energy supply as a whole." By 2040, Lower Saxony wants to
its energy requirements are entirely from renewable sources
Determining the position of aircraft with centimetre precision is crucial for the efficiency of ... interviewed Sara Ghafouri from Cyclic Materials to explore Rare Earth recycling in ...
The order includes 60 V236-15.0 MW wind turbines and Vestas is responsible for the supply, delivery, ...