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RED III has been adopted - Further acceleration for the expansion of wind energy


So now it has been adopted - the RED III (amendment to the Renewable Energy Directive). Even if the content is not "only" about accelerating wind energy, the focus here is on the specifications.

It took a long time, but now the RED III (amendment to the Renewable Energy Directive) has been adopted at the European level. As a result of RED III, national legislators will also have to become active (again) in the near future in order to implement the European requirements.

According to RED III, the primary target should or must be that by 2030 the share of energy from renewable sources in the Union's gross final energy consumption should be at least 42.5%.

Since Brussels is well aware that there is not ONE solution, the requirements in RED III refer to various forms of renewable energies. However, the focus, and this can be stated without a doubt, lies in accelerating the expansion of wind energy.

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