With us you will find the right provider!
Create an inquiry and we will put you in touch with relevant providers.
Enquire 1x - receive several offers!
Would you like to buy a wind farm, are you interested in wind turbines or spare parts from the secondary market - or are you looking for a service provider?

Make your inquiry here. We will find the right providers for you.
  • Vetted and verified providers from the wind industry
  • 100% free
  • Tentative
About 3.000
Verified Providers
About 10 Mrd.
Advertised trading volume
since 2011

Minimize procurement effort and save costs!

Use our free service and describe your request to us - we will take care of suitable and verified providers.
You will immediately receive offers from the providers who are interested in your request.

"The matching function is a logical further development of the marketplace With the cooperation between our format wind industry in Germany and, we will enable the German wind industry to export its know-how to growth markets."

Thorsten PaulsenBundesverband Windenergie e.V

How it works

Our technology connects you to over 3.000 vetted vendors and our network based on your requirements.
Describe your needs
The more detailed your description, the higher the probability of contacting you!
Your request will be processed by us
We "match" you with 3.000 verified suppliers/vendors
You will receive the offers from interested providers
Providers will contact you directly and without detours.

Known from in the press

Questions and Answers

Unsere Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen
Our service is completely free of charge for you! We finance ourselves through the purchase of your contact details by the provider.
The duration depends on the complexity of your request. As a general rule, you should receive quotes within 72 hours.
No, we only ask you to accept our TERMS and Privacy policy. You do not enter into any other contractual arrangement or obligation with us.
We connect operators, buyers, sellers and service providers and accelerate business processes and thus the energy transition through fast networking! Market participants also have the opportunity to actively use the neutral and open marketplace as a trading platform with the help of advertisements.
Every month, and its affiliated partners reach more than 100.000 buyers and sellers monthly from over 190 countries. This makes us the world's largest marketplace for wind farms, wind turbines and spare parts.
Since 2011, the marketplace platform has been launched as a pure marketplace for used wind turbines. Since around 2021, has established itself as the digital ecosystem of the wind industry and the leading global marketplace platform for the wind industry through strategic partnerships.

Ready for your search?

Make your request. We will find the right providers for you.