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MLK Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

Erkelenz (North Rhine-Westphalia), Germany

80.000 kW
Total installed capacity
~ 1998
Start of activity
Onshore installations
Offshore installations


In Betrieb
EEG ausgelaufen
In Planung
Vorübergehend stillgelegt
Endgültig stillgelegt
Manufacturer Model Achievement Hub height Commissioning
#8 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW -4(0- 1+-97+(600
#7 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW 4-763 -46)+(95+2
#6 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW 9)8-2 807674-(3(
#5 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW 2073- 2(890()-97
#4 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW 16864 (03+005)35
#3 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW 92057 1920645(81
#2 DeWind D4 46/600 500kW 0)5 79340851(6
#1 DeWind D4 41/500 500kW 286 707)(+40-1
Manufacturer Model Achievement Hub height Commissioning
#8 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW (0+-0 -40(8+5918
#7 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW +(7(5 9)624(7+83
#6 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW 1604( 02(6()75(7
#5 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW )(8(1 +988204-79
#4 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW 0048( -81+002-10
#3 DeWind DeWind 62 1000kW 9+1)8 6+95603+02
#2 DeWind D4 46/600 500kW 08) 26576+)0+-
#1 DeWind D4 41/500 500kW +94 +19+03(1++
Manufacturer Model Achievement Hub height Commissioning
#13 Vestas V155-3.6 3600kW 3301 9
#12 Enercon E112/6000 6000kW (904 6
#11 Enercon E112/6000 6000kW 7565 6
#10 Vestas V150-6.0 6000kW 3)45722 8
#9 Vestas V155-3.6 3600kW +884 9
#8 Vestas V150-6.0 6000kW 8+16 )
#7 Vestas V150-6.0 6000kW 940- (
#6 Enercon E160/5500 5500kW 6581 2
#5 Enercon E160/5500 5500kW )8(2 0
#4 Enercon E160/5500 5500kW +2(5 -
#3 Enercon E160/5500 5500kW 6)-) 2
#2 Enercon E138/4200 4200kW +++- 4
#1 Enercon E138/4200 4200kW ))6- 5
Manufacturer Model Achievement Hub height Commissioning
#4 DeWind D6-1000 1000kW 96281 )(+8-973)+
#3 DeWind D4 46/600 600kW 625 ((63513-6(
#2 DeWind D4 46/600 600kW )35 -344)73998
#1 DeWind D4 46/600 600kW 48- )0(5(+443)



Nationwide distribution

Equipment used by manufacturer

Equipment used by model

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How to find us
In Tenholt 33 | 41812 Erkelenz | Germany
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