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Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank

60313 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


As a development bank for agriculture and rural areas, Rentenbank is a strong partner for all those who want to make progress in rural areas.
With low-interest promotional loans, it supports the entire value chain of the agriculture and food industry and also companies in the energy production sector. Among other things, investments in the generation, storage and distribution of renewable energies are financed. Young farmers and business successors under the age of 41 receive particularly advantageous conditions.
Under ××××××××× , you will find the right programme for your project with our funding advisor. You can then use the loan calculator to create sample calculations for your loan — including interest and repayment schedule as well as aid value. Of course, all the latest information and interest rates are also available there.


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How to find us
Hochstraße 2 | 60313 Frankfurt am Main | Germany