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M.O.E. GmbH

25524 Itzehoe, Germany


Expertise in Renewable Energies and Grid Integration!

We are your certification body in the field of renewable energies. In particular we deal with grid integration of wind and solar energy plants as well as combined heat and power systems (CHP systems). For over 20 years we have been involved in the development of Technical Guidelines such as TG3, TG4 and TG8 published by the FGW (Association for the Promotion of Wind Energy and other Renewable Energies), the EEG (Renewable Energy Act), IEC 61400 standards and other regulations and grid codes. Furthermore, our business includes protection testing, measurement of harmonics and inspections.

Read more about M.O.E.:

http:// ××××××××× /en/node/327


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How to find us
Fraunhoferstraße 3 | 25524 Itzehoe | Germany