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M.O.S.S. Computer Grafik Systeme GmbH

82024 Taufkirchen, Germany


Specialist planning software and GIS-based optimisation of the wind farm planning process

WebService for buffering the official building floor plans for white area analysis
For the whole of Germany, M.O.S.S. has acquired the complete ALKIS database of the building floor plans, including their attributes, and prepared it as a password-protected web service. On this basis, wind farm planners are able to buffer the settlement areas in the area under consideration of the planned wind farm in a differentiated manner. Wind farm planners can orient themselves to the specifications of the responsible regional planning and buffer each type of building in a differentiated way depending on whether it is located in an indoor (agglomeration) or outdoor area (rural region). These buffer results are made available for download as a shapefile, so that they can then be easily intersected with further basic data in a local GIS. Wind Farm Planning & IT Infrastructure (Wind-PIA)
Wind farm planning processes are not chronological, but iterative. Supposedly secure results can change again and again during the planning process. This makes it all the more important for the project developer to work on the basis of structured, standardised and coordinated planning processes. Wind-PIA offers the opportunity to make wind farm planning processes more efficient through a standardized exchange of geodata and information. In order to optimise the planning process, technical, structural and organisational hurdles in the planning process are identified and removed; e.g. by reducing duplication of work, avoiding data conversions and projection changes or local and redundant data retention. In this way, wind farm planning processes can be made up to 20% more efficient.


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How to find us
Hohenbrunner Weg 13 | 82024 Taufkirchen | Germany