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35633 Lahnau, Germany


REWITEC® – better wear protection, higher energy efficiency, longer service life
More power and yield for your wind turbines through the efficiency optimization of gearboxes and bearings. REWITEC's® patented and science-based solutions extend the service life and improve the efficiency of wind turbines. The innovative technology significantly reduces friction (by 55%), temperature (by 20%) and surface roughness (by 50%), providing protection and energy efficiency for your plant. The results have been scientifically proven by studies at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences.
REWITEC® stands for RErepair and WIederherstellung-TEC hnologie and can even freeze or eliminate damage such as standstill markings (false brinelling), pitting or corrosion, depending on the degree of damage. REWITEC's® products can be used for all types of gearboxes and bearings, such as main, pitch or yaw gearboxes and bearings as well as generator bearings, and are also suitable for gearless turbine types.
In addition to the innovative surface coating for wind turbine gearboxes, which reduces wear, the high-temperature special coating and repair grease repairs and smoothes the running surfaces of treated bearings. This significantly reduces the mechanical stresses and temperature loads of the entire system, which leads to an optimization of energy efficiency and extension of the service life.
In cooperation with Sentient Science, the effects of REWITEC® were analysed on a Winergy 4410.2 gearbox of a GE 1.5MW plant. Sentient Science calculated an extension of the service life by a factor of 2.6 to 3.3, taking into account relevant study results from the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences.


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How to find us
Dr.-Hans-Wilhelmi-Weg 1 | 35633 Lahnau | Germany