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1000 Brüssel, Belgium


ENGIE operates 13 onshore wind farms with a total capacity of about 200 megawatts in Germany at different locations. This includes also the wind park in Helmstadt, we could make 2012 together with our partner WSW in operating energy & water.

Wind is our strength

In order to expand the generation from wind power, we work closely with our public utility company partners. So, we have established the project company Tevaro together with WSW and GASAG which covers the entire value creation from the planning to the operation to the market.

We promote in various States of onshore wind projects. In addition to the construction we are committed new and the expansion of existing facilities for a technologically high-quality, intelligent and economical management of our own and foreign wind farms and a direct marketing of green electricity. With the triad "Setting out, operating and marketing", ENGIE is a strong partner for renewable energy in Germany.


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How to find us
Boulevard Simon Bolivar 34 | 1000 Brüssel | Belgium